Friday, June 16, 2006

life's randomness

So, I can say that I am a lot happier now in Baltimore than I was the last time I blogged. Kirsten and I are becoming better friends, and having her to talk to is saving my mind and sanity in this place! Plus, I have a few stories to tell.

Work is the same. I just finished a killer concept paper this week about volunteers in the field and how we can better accommodate them. I successfully procrastinated on it all week long until today, the day it was due. I have had quite a few distractions this week!
For a while, it looked like work was going to send me to Indonesia to help set up their office there. Alas, that is not meant to be. We have decided not to go operational there after all, so I will not be going. I am very bummed about it, because the experience would have been incredible, but I have been promised that I will get some international experience yet this year so I still have hope!

Kirsten and I had a bit of an adventure last week. Somehow we ended up on a British Royal Navy ship. We were in Fells Point on Wednesday wandering around, and we happened to walk by this ship docked on the pier. We were chatting about what kind of ship it could be when a British guy came by and said it was a Navy ship. He asked if we wanted a tour (of course we said yes!) and he took us onboard and showed us around. We saw the bridge, and I sat in the chair where the steering wheel was, and then he took us down into the communications room where all the radars were. It was really cool and very unexpected. After the tour, we sat in a lounge on the ship and talked to a few of the British guys. We left our numbers and email, since they were going to be in town for a few days.

The next day I got a call from one of them, Chris, and he invited us to dinner with a bunch of the Navy guys from the ship. It was pretty funny, since Kirsten and I had left our number with a few of them, we had no idea which guy was calling us so we wandered into the restaurant hoping that we would recognize accents. We ended up having dinner at the Bay Café and then going back to Fells Point to hang out. Kirsten and I had so much fun; every single guy there was interesting to talk to and there was such a drastic contrast between guys I have known in the American Navy and these guys from the Royal Navy. It was like night and day.

Anyway, Chris and I ended up going out for dinner on Sunday. I had a fabulous time but, of course, their ship left on Monday morning. Now they are somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic and I am still here. I guess that’s what email is for...

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