Friday, December 23, 2005


I got the job! I got the job! Baltimore, here I come.

They called on Monday morning and said they wanted me to work for them. I was (and still am) on a high, cloud nine. Eventually that day, the high wore off and I began to worry about logistics. They want me to start on the 4th, and while I am very excited, I worry about all the work that will go into moving. I need a place to live, a phone.

Anyway, on Tuesday I got an email from a girl who works at the organization who said that she needed a roommate. I am ecstatic! She is from the Baltimore area, and has been looking for places for us to live. It is such a blessing to have things working out the way they are.

It has been a very long time since I have felt so directly affected by God's hand. I'm a planner, always have been. But this experience, and many others I have had over the past few months, have shown me that I don't need a plan, because He has one. Even though I have been extremely restless here, with my job and my life and my questioning if grad school was the right track, I have always had peace that I was supposed to wait it out. And I have, and this comes along.

Maybe we have times of stillness in our lives so that it is drastically evident when God intervenes. It is so clear and obvious to me that this is the direction I should be going, and I know that largely because of the aimless way I have been living my life the past 6 months.


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