Thursday, May 12, 2005

I'm Back

That's right, I'm home. I am in MN at the moment, trying to finish up all my last minute business and such. Most of my friends have finals until Saturday, so it is limiting the amount of time I get to spend with them. Hopefully I will be able to stay for a while after finals week so we will really have time to chat.

Being home has not been as weird as I expected. Everything seems new (as I knew it would) but it isn't surreal or strange. Some things are hard. After looking at nothing but emaciated bodies for 8 months I am kind of awed at how fleshy Americans are. The food portions at restaurants are HUGE and overwhelming. And I am amazed that I can go from morning to night without having to wash crud out from beneath my fingernails and having to clean my filthy feet.

It is hard, though, being in an environment where no one will really understand. When people ask me about India, alot of them really want to know about it, but they will never really understand. There is no way that I could describe it enough to have people in my shoes, but maybe that is ok.

I don't know that I miss it too much right now. I miss my friends there, for sure, but what I miss most is a purpose. While I was there I had a clearly defined role and now that I am home and graduating I now have no real purpose or goal; I am floating. Which is fine, but it is strange because I have never been in a situation like this before, without a job or school to define me.

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am alive and well and in the country.

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