Monday, August 07, 2006

umm, yeah.

If I had a quote book, this would be one of the infamous ones:

"Good people make good decisions. That’s why they’re good people"--Wayne LaPierre, executive vice president of the N.R.A., as quoted in the New York Times.

Umm, yeah....because how many good people do you know who make good decisions all the time. Definitely not me!


Anonymous said...

When we don't make good decisions, that gives us an opportunity to understand GRACE and MERCY. We can't go back and change stuff, but we can understand that irritating verse about God turning things into good. Making mistakes isn't a time to give up--but to begin again with new resolve. ....."your mercies are new every morning....."

Leslie said...

Mom, you are missing the point...The EVP of the NRA thinks that everyone who is a good person makes good decisions all the time, and that is why they get to own a gun. I think I am a good person, and I would bet that I make more good decisions that some people who own guns OR are members of the NRA. Or both (although, I am stereotyping here, and I know that...but sometimes stereotypes are true! that's why they are stereotypes).

Anonymous said...

Yeah--I really did miss the point of the quote. Its a similar principle that its ok to kill people if you're doing it in the name of your religion.

I guess I got hung up on your statement "I don't make good decisions." It took me alot of years in counseling to learn it was ok to make mistakes! Sorry for missing your point about the NRA