Tuesday, October 24, 2006


After many boring weeks and weekends of doing nothing special because of general lack of plans and/or bad weather, this past weekend was pretty full of things to do.

My mom was here for a quick one-night visit on Friday/Saturday. She was staying with family friends in PA for a visit, and was flying out of Baltimore, so she spent the night at my place. It was great to see her, and it was nice for her to meet Kirsten….I think that it’s hard for me sometimes to adjust to the reality of my life here, in some ways. I haven’t been back to WI since I moved out here, so while it is normal for me to be here every once in a while I think “I live in Maryland”. It’s like that when your mom is at your apartment…its like “This is weird…I don’t live with you anymore. I live on the other side of the country now…” Just something to get used to, I guess.

On Saturday after dropping my mom at the airport, Kirsten and I headed to Flugtag in the Inner Harbor. Let me say, it was great! If Red Bull ever sponsors a party…go. They played great music, it was a fun atmosphere, and the weather was beautiful. Plus, there is the added benefit of laughing at everyone jumping into the Inner Harbor. Let me tell you, though, I don’t think I would have ever voluntarily jumped into that water. Its so dirty, rumor had it they had chemical showers on site to hose everyone down after they jumped.

Anyway, after Flugtag a friend was hosting a party, so we headed there for awhile; and then Kirsten, Sarah, Ben and I went to see The Last King of Scotland at The Charles. The movie was actually very good, I was surprised. I wasn’t that jazzed to see it, but it turned out to be a good one to discuss. A Scottish doctor who goes to Uganda to escape his home and help those in need, and gets wrapped up in the power of the new President via-a coup. I would recommend it, but it has touches of uncomfortable violence so beware!

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