Monday, August 21, 2006

busy week (and weekend)

Ok, can I just say that I am SOO relevant? In my blog the day of the foiled attacks, I talked about immigration in the US and Britain and how it's different. Remember? And then there was that article in Time? Well, this morning there is an article about the differences in the US and British Pakistani communities in the New York Times...Hah! I just think it's funny.

So, Jonny Lang last week was incredible. I have never seen him live before, and he just rocks. He opened with my favorite song from his last album “Long Time Coming”, which was great! More than anything else, he really worked hard, and was clearly having fun. I don’t think I have ever seen a performer enjoy his audience more…I don’t know whether it was just an exceptionally good night or he just really enjoys being up there, but he grinned ear to ear every time he let the cheers and screams wash over him.

Sarah (my roommate) had her birthday last week, the same day as the concert. We went out for drinks to celebrate before the show, and I randomly decided to throw her a birthday party. So I spent most of Saturday shopping and cleaning (Seriously, cleaning your house so it's perfect and then having people over to mess it up? That doesn’t make very much sense). Anyway, I think the party was a wild success. It's been awhile since I threw a get together, and it was fun...and Sarah had fun which is the most important thing.

After a few people headed home, a group of us went out to Gardel’s to try out Baltimore’s salsa scene. A few of us have tried to go to this place a few times, but we never have seemed to make it. I have never been salsa dancing before, although when I lived in Minneapolis it was one of my goals to learn. It was never realized, however, because the salsa scene there can be very touch and friends had quite a few awkward nights where the only people in the clubs were creepy, dodgy men. Gardel’s was definitely not that way at all, and all the guys who asked me to dance were really nice and patient. But if you want to learn to salsa, it's probably not a great idea to go to THE place to salsa at 12 on a Saturday...there were no beginners in that crowd. I’ll just have to go to a few lessons.

Other than that, not much going on here. I was supposed to go see Little Miss Sunshine with Kirsten on Saturday, but she cancelled our plans at the last minute. Hopefully I will still get a chance to see it this week. My favorite tapas place in the city is right next door to the theater, so hopefully I’ll be able to catch dinner there beforehand.


1 comment:

Leah said...

i want to see "little miss sunshine" too!